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Showing Collections: 31 - 60 of 64

Leonard Family Papers

Identifier: MSN/CW 1000

Manuscripts and other materials relating to the Confederate army service of the brothers Henry, Martin, Robert, and Joseph Leonard, of Iredell County, North Carolina, including records of Co. C, 48th North Carolina Infantry.

Dates: 1862-after 1865; Majority of material found in 1862-1865

Liam Creagh Collection on Brendan Behan

Identifier: MSE/IR 1070

Correspondence and ephemera relating to Brendan Behan.

Dates: 1957-1971

Loome Catholic Modernism Collection

Identifier: MSE/MD 3824
Abstract The Loome Catholic Modernism Collection consists mainly of research on Catholic Modernism that Thomas Loome gathered for his doctoral dissertation ca. 1968-1974. It is a compilation of thousands of pages of correspondence, publications, and personal papers by and about Catholic Modernists ca. 1890-1925, especially George Tyrrell and Friedrich von Hügel. The items are mainly photocopies of manuscript and printed materials, but originals, microfilms, and photographs are also included. The...
Dates: 1874-1987; Majority of material found in ( 1890-1925; 1967-1972)

Louisa May Alcott Collection

Identifier: MSN/MN 3010

This small collection consists of one letter written by Louisa May Alcott, one letter written on her behalf by her London publisher, one inscribed photographic portrait, and one page from the manuscript of the novel, Jack and Jill: a Village Story.

Dates: 1879-1887

Louise Imogen Guiney Papers

Identifier: MSN/MN 3011

The papers of Louise Imogen Guiney (1861-1920) are comprised of letters, postcards, and a limited number of papers. The majority of the letters and postcards were written by Guiney to J. R. Tutin, a publisher located in Hull, Yorkshire, who hoped to revive interest in 17th c. literature.

Dates: 1895-1926; Majority of material found in 1901-1913

Mary Taussig Hall Papers

Identifier: MSN/MN 0511
Scope and Contents This collection chiefly consists of the correspondence of Mary Taussig Hall. Early letters (circa 1920s) to and from Mary Taussig Hall frequently concern her family, travels, and studies. Later (1930s-) topics of note include her family and social life, travels, and growing interest in social work and political causes. Most correspondence is with family and friends though professional correspondence is also present. Mary’s time at Hull House is well-described, as is a Depression-era job...
Dates: 1855 - 1998; Majority of material found within 1928 - 1960

Masterson Family Papers

Identifier: MSN/CW 5109

The collection includes more than 50 manuscript letters written during the Civil War by Pvt. John William Masterson, Co. A, 133rd New York Infantry, as well as later papers relating to Masterson's service and to his son William and daughter Ida.

Dates: 1862-1923; Majority of material found within ( 1862-1865)

Mikhail Naumovich Kalik Papers

Identifier: MSE/REE0034
Scope and Contents The papers document the professional life of Mikhail Naumovich Kalik (1927-2017), a celebrated Soviet and Israeli film director and screenwriter. The papers consist of official documents, contracts, film scripts and stills, photographs on film sets, professional correspondence, press releases, promotional materials, posters, and copies of Kalik’s feature films and documentary films. Also included in the Archive are published and unpublished manuscripts by Kalik, copies of...
Dates: 1944 - 2015

Nat Fleischer Papers

Identifier: MSSP 2003
Scope and Contents The Fleischer collection includes professional and some personal papers of boxing writer and publisher Nat Fleischer. Most prevalent are carbon-copy typescripts of Fleischer's articles, serialized features, and books. There are manuscripts or manuscript drafts, whole or partial, relating to many of his published books, including biographies of boxers John L. Sullivan, James J. Corbett, Terry McGovern, Jack McAuliffe, Gene Tunney, and Jack Dempsey (among others). There are also manuscripts...
Dates: circa 1910-1967

Nora Ashe Papers

Identifier: MSE/IR 1045
Scope and Contents This collection consists of several pieces of correspondence and ephemera originally sent to Nora Ashe in June 1916 and June 1917. Included are three letters, two telegrams, and one copy of the Liberator newspaper.The content mainly relates to the imprisonment of Nora’s brother, Thomas Ashe, in the aftermath of the 1916 Easter Rising, his homecoming journey in June 1917 as well as some references to the impending 1917 East Clare by-election. One letter additionally hints at...
Dates: 1916 - 1917

Parsons-Williams Family Correspondence

Identifier: MSN/COL 8501
Scope and Contents The collection consists of eleven letters and two records dating from 1757 to 1777. Six of the letters are directed to Sarah Williams (four from the years before her marriage to Parsons, one from the time of the marriage, and one from after Parsons' death). Most are from female friends or relatives. There are three letters from Joseph Parsons, Jr. to his father, mostly relating to land and debts. Two additional letters (April 1764) were provoked by the ill health of Joseph Parsons, Jr. There...
Dates: 1757-1759

Patrick McCabe Papers

Identifier: MSE/IR 2717
Scope and Contents This collection documents the professional career of Irish writer Patrick McCabe. The majority of the collection consists of rough drafts of his drama, prose, and poetry, including some of his most popular works in film and literature, Breakfast on Pluto and The Butcher Boy. The collection also contains various ephemera and promotional materials for his published works. Also included are newspaper and magazine interviews, works of other writers,...
Dates: 1946-2013; Majority of material found in 1980-2010

Peter Michelson Papers

Identifier: MSN/MN 10027
Scope and Contents This collection details the writings and activities of Peter Michelson, an American poet and professor teaching at several universities around the United States. It contains records of his professional and academic career, including articles, article drafts, and related research; poetry and related drafts; monograph manuscripts, manuscript drafts, and related materials; and teaching materials and student papers. Also included in the collection are professional and personal correspondence,...
Dates: 1967 - 2016

Raymond E. F. Larsson Papers

Identifier: MSN/MN 3000

A collection consisting of the correspondence, writings, and drawings of the American poet Raymond E. F. Larsson (1901-1991). Also present are manuscripts by other authors, miscellaneous printed matter, and items relating to a 1983 exhibit about Larsson held in Notre Dame's Department of Rare Books and Special Collections.

Dates: 1927-1983; Majority of material found within , 1940-1960

Rev. Levi Ballou Papers

Identifier: MSN/EA 0502

The manuscript sermons and other personal papers of the Universalist minister Rev. Levi Ballou, who from 1843 to 1865 was settled at the First Congregational Parish and Society of Orange, Massachusetts.

Dates: 1836-1865

Reverend Bernard Schlegel Letters

Identifier: MSN/MN 5026
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of letters written 1952-1956 from Bernard Schlegel to his parents while studying to be a priest at the Pontifical North American College in Vatican City. Also included are two essay drafts, a journal, pamphlets, and prayer cards marking the ordination of fellow priests.

Dates: 1949-1956

Richards and Lincoln Family Papers

Identifier: MSN/EA 0510

A collection of over 150 personal and professional letters written to, from, or between members of the Richards and Lincoln families of Massachusetts and Illinois, 1754 to 1880. Also present are 60 related documents, including manuscripts, financial records, land records, probate records, and other materials.

Dates: 1754-1880 (bulk 1792-1880)

Richards Family Correspondence

Identifier: MSN/EA 5023

A group of 67 personal letters written by or to members of the Richards family of Massachusetts and Montgomery County, Illinois, chiefly during the late 1830s, 1840s, and 1850s.

Dates: 1835-1902; Majority of material found in ( 1835-1858)

Robert C. Morgan Collection on Conceptual Art

Identifier: MSN/MN 9206

A collection of research files comprised of printed ephemera, correspondence, manuscripts, audio recordings, and other materials documenting the activities and work of more than 100 conceptual artists, assembled by Robert C. Morgan during his professional career as an artist, art historian, curator, and author from 1968-2015.

Dates: 1968-2015

Robert S. Edwards Papers

Identifier: MSN/CW 1004

Around 60 items, mostly manuscripts, with a bearing on the Civil War service of Lt. Robert S. Edwards of the 48th New York Infantry. Among the 45 personal letters are 14 written by Edwards and 22 directed to him by his brother and sister-in-law, Ogden and Nellie Edwards, then living in the Philippines. There are also a number of items relating to Robert Edwards's death (at Fort Wagner in Charleston Harbor) and post-mortem arrangements.

Dates: 1861-1865

Rudi Holzapfel Research Collection on James Clarence Mangan

Identifier: MSE/IR 2720
Scope and Contents The collection of Rudi Holzapfel on James Clarence Mangan includes Holzapfel’s notes, drafts, collected correspondence, publications and clippings of Mangan’s published work. Rudi Holzapfel’s bibliography, James Clarence Mangan: A Check List of Printed and Other Sources (1969), was the most complete bibliography of Mangan until Jacque Chuto’s James Clarence Mangan: A Bibliography ( 1999). Holzapfel’s work on Mangan continued over many...
Dates: 1903-1934, 1953-1979, 1990-1996, undated

Southy L. Savage Letter

Identifier: MSN/CW 5039

A letter written on 3 May 1864 by Southy L. Savage, as a member of the Confederate States Signal Corps. Savage describes his activities over the previous months, when he was stationed along the Potomac in King George County, Virginia.

Dates: 1864

Strunsky-Walling Collection

Identifier: MSN/MN 0509

A collection of personal papers of the "millionaire socialists" Anna Strunsky Walling and William English Walling and their family, mostly dating from the 1920s and 30s. Included are more than 500 letters to, from, and between Strunsky-Walling family members, and two diaries of Anna Strunsky Walling.

Dates: 1906-1967; Majority of material found in ( 1925-1937)

Swansea Town Records

Identifier: MSN/COL 2718

An accumulation of 49 single-sheet documents issuing from, or directed to, the various instruments of town government in Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts, mostly during the 18th century.

Dates: 1671-1807

Sydney Hobart Ball and Family Papers

Identifier: MSN/MN 0513
Scope and Contents The collection documents both the personal life and the professional activities of Sydney Hobart Ball. It includes more than 1,600 of Ball's letters, mainly written to family members while on mining trips around the world, as well as over 1,000 photos taken by Ball during these trips. There are also reports, articles and notes written by Ball on mining, as well as maps of places he visited. Also present in the collection is correspondence belonging to Ball's wife Mary, and to his daughters...
Dates: 1885 – 1991; Majority of material found in 1905 – 1949

The Ronald Wells Collection on Peace and Reconciliation in Northern Ireland

Identifier: MSE/IR 1032
Abstract A collection of materials on peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland, including documents relating to the work of religious organizations. The collection includes papers of a number of religious organizations. The collection includes papers of a number of religious groups that formed between 1990 and 2005 to work towards reconciliation, and also on the work of the Consultative Group on the Past. The collection includes also pamphlets and books. Most of the collection dates from 1984 to...
Dates: circa 1979-2008

Tom O'Flaherty Collection

Identifier: MSE/IR 1082

A collection of papers of Tom O'Flaherty including manuscript and typescript fiction and autobiography, and letters, all apparently written from 1933 to 1935.

Dates: 1932 - 1935

Vladimir Lifshits, Asya Genkina, and Lev Loseff Papers

Identifier: MSE/REE 0016

The papers consist of letters, manuscripts, and phototgraphs, as well as book and journal publications, related to Lifshits, Genkina, and Loseff. The collection also includes material of Irina Kichanova-Lifshits, Boris Semenov, and Mikahil Eremin.

Dates: 1890s-2009; Majority of material found within ( 1940-1990)

Watson Family Papers

Identifier: MSN/EA 10011
Scope and Contents

This collection contains manuscript material created by or related to the Watson Family of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Included are various autograph manuscripts, indenture releases and a mortgage, poetry, legal manuscripts, a passport, two diaries belonging to John and Martha Watson, and a manuscript containing a personal memoir and a Native American speech.

Dates: circa 1700, 1792-1878

Wicker Buydden Family Papers

Identifier: MSN/MN 10034
Scope and Contents This collection centers on the familial correspondence of Clifford Wicker Buydden, Wade James Buydden, Rachel Reno Wicker, and other members of the Wicker and Buydden families in the early twentieth century. Over a third of the collection is devoted to courtship correspondence between Clifford Wicker Buydden and Wade James Buydden. Of particular note within the collection are Clifford’s manuscript on health and food, Wade’s college application materials, Wade’s letters from Masonic...
Dates: 1898-1919; Majority of material found within 1901 - 1909