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Showing Collections: 91 - 120 of 150

Meek Family Correspondence

Identifier: MSN/CW 5053

A group of 27 personal letters written by, to, or about James Monroe Meek, an East Tennessee lawyer and legislator jailed by the Confederates for his Unionist sympathies. Most of the correspondence dates from the Civil War.

Dates: 1861-1869; Majority of material found in 1861-1865

Michael Perkins Papers

Identifier: MSN/MN 10023
Scope and Contents The Michael Perkins Papers consist of the professional and personal papers of Michael Perkins (1942-), a poet, critic, editor, and erotic fiction author. His professional materials represent his writing process for his fiction and poetry, from proposals sent to publishing houses, to multiple rough drafts of his works, to final proofs, as well as publicity for published materials. Also included is a large collection of editorial correspondence with literary agents and publishing houses. Along...
Dates: 1942 - 2016

Michael Quin Documents

Identifier: MSN/CW 2013
Scope and Contents This collection consists of State Department copies of documents sent by British Ambassador Lord Lyons to U. S. Secretary of State William H. Seward on 8 August 1863, now being forwarded, on 13 August, to Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles, accompanied by a cover letter signed by Seward. The case itself was months old, and had spawned a good deal of paperwork prior to the appearance of this particular batch of documents. The two key items are; 1) a seven-page affidavit of Quinn's describing...
Dates: 1863

Morris C. Foote Collection

Identifier: MSN/MN 0512

Personal and military documents of Lt. Morris Cooper Foote, 9th Infantry, United States Army, along with related Congressional documents. Included in the collection is a manuscript diary recording Foote's experiences from 1866 to 1869 in Alaska (its first 19 months as a U.S. territory) and from 1869 to 1871 in the Department of the Platte.

Dates: 1863-1881, undated

Natalia A. and Irina V. Roskina Papers

Identifier: MSE/REE 0014

The papers consist of manuscripts, letters, and miscellaneous items of Natalia A. Roskina and of her daughter, Irina V. Roskina, as well as 50 photographs of the two women and people they knew such as: Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, and Evgenii Rein.

Dates: 1927-2013

National Ideal Benefit Society (NIBS) Records

Identifier: MSN/MN 10024
Scope and Contents This collection documents the activities of the National Ideal Benefit Society (NIBS), an African American insurance cooperative headquartered in Richmond, Virginia. It also contains related papers of NIBS founder A.W. Holmes. The correspondence in the collection is mostly written by African Americans, from NIBS policy holders to leaders of the African American community. There is also correspondence between A.W. Holmes and various local churches and benefit societies, national charitable...
Dates: 1912 - 1964

New York Yankees Sunday Baseball Correspondence Collection

Identifier: MSSP 0010
Scope and Contents This collection consists of correspondence, clippings, and other items related to the New York Yankees' efforts to encourage state legislation (primarily the 1918 Lawson Bill) permitting Sunday baseball in New York state. Many of the letters are directed to Yankees president Jacob Ruppert by politicians responding to the club's letter asking, “Will you, if elected, favor an amendment of the Penal Code which will permit the citizens to enjoy professional base ball and other forms of harmless...
Dates: 1915 - 1928; Majority of material found within 1917 - 1918

Nicolas Miletitch Collection

Identifier: MSE/REE 0045
Scope and Contents The first part of the collection includes a video archive of interviews conducted by Nicolas Miletitch with seventeen famous Soviet human rights activists and dissidents. The video archive is accompanied by full transcripts of interviews. The interviewees describe their “anti-Soviet” activities defending human rights under the totalitarian regime in the 1960s-1980s. Among topics discussed are working of the Solzhenitsyn Fund; activities of the Moscow Helsinki Watch group (1976-1980) which...
Dates: 1970-2020

Nora Ashe Papers

Identifier: MSE/IR 1045
Scope and Contents This collection consists of several pieces of correspondence and ephemera originally sent to Nora Ashe in June 1916 and June 1917. Included are three letters, two telegrams, and one copy of the Liberator newspaper.The content mainly relates to the imprisonment of Nora’s brother, Thomas Ashe, in the aftermath of the 1916 Easter Rising, his homecoming journey in June 1917 as well as some references to the impending 1917 East Clare by-election. One letter additionally hints at...
Dates: 1916 - 1917

Norah Borges Letters

Identifier: MSH/LAT 0004
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of the personal letters of Norah Borges. All but one letter are sent to Esther Haldo de Amorim, with one letter sent to Aurora Haldo de Haldo. Also included are four drawings by Borges, and two programs of Borges’ exhibitions. Materials include letters, postcards, drawings, and pamphlets.

Dates: 1932 - 1971

Ora W. Harvey Letter

Identifier: MSN/CW 5026

A four-page letter written on 15 April 1863 by Civil War private Ora W. Harvey of the 46th Massachusetts Infantry, mostly discussing camp recreations, especially baseball.

Dates: 15 April 1863

Packet Ship Liverpool Letters

Identifier: MSN/EA 5022

A collection of fourteen manuscripts, mostly letters, providing first-hand accounts of the sinking of the packet ship Liverpool in the North Atlantic in July 1822. The principal author is Hewlett Townsend Coles, the ship's second officer.

Dates: 1822

Pádraig Ó Concheanainn Papers

Identifier: MSE/IR 1083

A collection of the papers of Pádraig Ó Concheanainn, including letters on Irish language publications and family papers.

Dates: Majority of material found within circa 1928-1972

Paris-Heard Family Papers

Identifier: MSN/EA 0507
Scope and Contents This collection consists of personal papers of members of the Paris and Heard families of Augusta and Rockingham counties, Virginia. Materials date from 1852 to 1937, with the Antebellum, Civil War, and Reconstruction years all represented. Included are land deeds, contracts, and militia records of James R. Paris, as well as family correspondence and photographs. The Antebellum letters are chiefly between Lucy Paris, James’s wife, and her family, while later correspondence is mainly between...
Dates: 1852-1937

Parsons-Williams Family Correspondence

Identifier: MSN/COL 8501
Scope and Contents The collection consists of eleven letters and two records dating from 1757 to 1777. Six of the letters are directed to Sarah Williams (four from the years before her marriage to Parsons, one from the time of the marriage, and one from after Parsons' death). Most are from female friends or relatives. There are three letters from Joseph Parsons, Jr. to his father, mostly relating to land and debts. Two additional letters (April 1764) were provoked by the ill health of Joseph Parsons, Jr. There...
Dates: 1757-1759

Peed Family Letters

Identifier: MSN/CW 5037

Sixteen personal letters written by the brothers John Nathaniel Peed and James Oscar Peed, during their Civil War service in Co. I, 9th Virginia Cavalry (CS). Many of John Peed's 14 letters were written in 1864-65, from the environs of Petersburg.

Dates: 1862-1865

Philadelphia Chinese Social Relief Collection

Identifier: MSN/MN 10028
Scope and Contents

The materials in this collection document the efforts of a very early social welfare organization in Philadelphia to aid the city’s Chinese citizens. Materials include correspondence of Edward Syle, an Episcopal missionary who worked closely with the Chinese; reports and minutes of meetings of the welfare committee; and a draft of the committee’s constitution.

Dates: 1883 - 1885

Price Family Letters

Identifier: MSN/CW 5110

Thirty-one personal letters written between members of the Price family of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Illinois during the American Civil War. The letters are notable for their Copperhead and anti-abolitionist sentiments.

Dates: 1863-1865

Pugh Family Letters

Identifier: MSN/CW 5009

A group of 12 letters written by the Western Pennsylvania Quakers John and Joseph Pugh during the Civil War. Included are 6 letters written by John during his service aboard the U.S.S. Quaker City, of the navy's East Gulf Blockading Squadron.

Dates: 1862-1864

Read Family Correspondence

Identifier: MSN/CW 5015

A small group of papers originating with the Read family of the central Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. Included are 28 letters written by three different family members during the Civil War: Confederate States soldier Thomas Griffin Read, Co. I, 33rd Virginia Infantry (10 letters); his wife Martha White Read, of Augusta County (15 letters); and the CS artilleryman John Henry Read (3 letters).

Dates: 1850-after 1900; Majority of material found in 1861-1865

Red Smith Papers

Identifier: MSSP 10061
Scope and Contents This collection consists of the professional and personal papers of Pulitzer Prize-winning sports columnist Walter Wellesley “Red” Smith. It includes: Smith's clipped copies of his printed columns, mostly 1954-1982; newspapers and magazines with pieces by or about Smith; clipped columns of Stanley Woodward and Joe H. Palmer; manuscripts and/or proofs of several of Smith's books; an accumulation of around 125 manuscript letters preserved by Smith, including examples signed by Melvin Belli, ...
Dates: 1888 - 2010; Majority of material found in 1945-1982

Reggie Brown Football Coaching Papers

Identifier: MSSP 1001
Scope and Contents The bulk of the Reggie Brown Football Coaching Papers consist of a group of notebooks compiled by football coach Reginald W. P. "Reggie" Brown. Five notebooks (1904, 1905, 1905, 1911, and 1914) document Brown’s years as an assistant coach at Harvard University. One notebook (1928) comes from his stint as the head football coach at Boston University. The 1904 and 1905 notebooks chronicle the events of those Harvard seasons through clippings, practice notes, games notes, play diagrams, game...
Dates: 1904-1997; Majority of material found within 1904 - 1939

Richard C. Morgan Letter

Identifier: MSN/CW 5050

A personal letter written from Columbus, Ohio on 25 August 1863 by Confederate Col. Richard C. Morgan, 14th Kentucky Cavalry, following his capture on John Hunt Morgan's Indiana-Ohio Raid. The letter is directed to sister-in-law Martha Ready Morgan, John Morgan's wife.

Dates: 25 August 1863

Richard Henry Tawney World War I Papers

Identifier: MSE/MD 6413
Scope and Contents

This collection chiefly consists of the correspondence and personal papers of Richard Henry Tawney relating to his service in World War I. Personal, government, and Army correspondence are included, as well as military and government records. Correspondence are present in the form of letters, telegrams, and postcards. Notes and hand-drawn battlefield maps are also included.

Dates: 1915 - 1945; Majority of material found within 1916 - 1918

Richards and Lincoln Family Papers

Identifier: MSN/EA 0510

A collection of over 150 personal and professional letters written to, from, or between members of the Richards and Lincoln families of Massachusetts and Illinois, 1754 to 1880. Also present are 60 related documents, including manuscripts, financial records, land records, probate records, and other materials.

Dates: 1754-1880 (bulk 1792-1880)

Richards Family Correspondence

Identifier: MSN/EA 5023

A group of 67 personal letters written by or to members of the Richards family of Massachusetts and Montgomery County, Illinois, chiefly during the late 1830s, 1840s, and 1850s.

Dates: 1835-1902; Majority of material found in ( 1835-1858)

Robert B. Drinan Correspondence

Identifier: MSN/MN 5009

The correspondence and naval mementos of Robert B. Drinan, dating from his period of service as apprentice in the United States Navy (1896/7-1901).

Dates: 1897-1973; Majority of material found within 1897-1901

Robert Creeley Letters to Sarah Creeley

Identifier: MSN/MN 3007

A small collection of around 30 manuscript items preserved by Sarah Creeley, daughter of the American poet Robert Creeley. Most are short personal letters or cards directed to Sarah by her father in the 1990s.

Dates: 1973-2005; Majority of material found in 1993-2005

Robert Lynd Letters

Identifier: MSE/IR 1050

Letters to Robert Lynd from various correspondents, mainly Irish.

Dates: 1906 - 1948

Robert M. Johnson Family Correspondence

Identifier: MSN/MN 10030
Scope and Contents This collection consists of the correspondence between journalist Robert M. Johnson; his wife, Mary Urquhart Johnson; and their daughters Margaret and Esther. Also included are greeting cards, a broadside, telegrams, postcards, and clippings. Johnson wrote to his daughters about stories he was working on, including the 1910 street car strike in Philadelphia, and about his work as a political journalist in San Antonio, Texas. Materials include letters, cards, postcards, clippings, and a...
Dates: 1904 - 1959; Majority of material found within 1910 - 1930

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Letters (correspondence) 149
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Correspondence 36
Manuscripts (documents) 35
Clippings (information artifacts) 26
Photographs 22