Showing Collections: 1 - 30 of 139
Abel Blanchard Family Correspondence
A group of around 50 manuscripts retained by the Abel Blanchard family of Peacham, Vermont. Most are personal letters dating from the 1810s and 20s, written to Vermont by family members newly migrated to Canada or western New York state.
Albert J. Baldwin Letters
A collection of 55 manuscript personal letters written by Albert J. Baldwin, mostly dating from the author's Civil War service in Battery D, 1st Michigan Light Artillery.
American Slavery Manuscript Collection
An accumulation of 19 documents and letters, unrelated in origin, with a bearing on slavery in colonial North America and the United States, 1771-1864.
Anderson-Reavis Correspondence
A small Civil War manuscript group consisting mostly of personal letters written home to Alabama by civilian medical doctor Leroy Hammond Anderson.
Anne Isabella Milbanke Byron and Lucy Elizabeth Jane Byron Correspondence
Two letters and one fragment written by Anne Isabella (Annabella) Milbanke Byron (Lady Byron). One letter written by Lucy Elizabeth Jane Byron.
Aubrey De Vere Letters to Robert Perceval Graves
Augustus Vincent Tack Papers
Incoming letters and documents preserved by the American painter Augustus Vincent Tack, mostly relating to his tenure (1914-1915?) as treasurer of the American Oil Development Company of Pittsburgh, the Tack family business.
Barrier Family Letters
More than one hundred letters written during the Civil War by two brothers serving in the Confederate army, Sgt. William Lafayette Barrier (1st North Carolina Cavalry) and Col. Rufus Barrier (8th North Carolina Infantry). The letters are mostly directed to the brothers' father, Mathias Barrier, in Mt. Pleasant, Cabarrus County, North Carolina.
Beláustegui Bustamante Family Papers
Bellamy-Smart Family Papers
A collection consisting mainly of 55 personal letters, including courtship letters, directed to Amanda Bellamy (later Amanda Smart, ca. 1810-1845) of Warrenton, North Carolina and Petersburg, Virginia. There are also letters received by Amanda's daughter, Mollie Smart, and other family papers.
Birmingham Black Barons records
A collection of records, mostly financial, of the Birmingham (Alabama) Black Barons Negro Leagues professional baseball club. The most significant item in the collection is a manuscript cash book, showing the club's financial accounts with each of its players for the seasons 1926 through 1930.
Boardman Family Papers
Booth Family Papers
Caley Family Correspondence
A collection consisting primarily of 29 Civil War manuscript letters written by Union private Charles C. Caley, during his service in Co. F, 105th Ohio Infantry.
Captain Francis O'Neill Papers
A collection of papers relating to the donation of the personal library of Captain Francis O'Neill to the University of Notre Dame, including correspondence with the university and an inventory of O'Neill's library.
Captain James Martyn Eaves Papers
Casey-Needham Family Correspondence
192 manuscript letters written by and to members of the Casey and Needham families of Whiting, Vermont, mostly in the 1840s and 50s. Many were written from locations in the South, where several members of the Casey family taught school.
Christopher C. McKinney Letters
5 personal letters written between August 1861 and February 1862 by Confederate army lieutenant Christopher C. McKinney, as regimental adjutant, 8th Tennessee infantry.
Cicero R. Barker Letter
A manuscript personal letter written from the defenses of Richmond on 1 December 1864 by Confederate soldier Cicero R. Barker, 8th North Carolina Infantry.
Cristina Peri Rossi Papers
Curt Flood Legal Documents Collection
Daniel B. and John S. Harris Family Correspondence
Daniel O’Connell Collection
Letters written by Daniel O’Connell to various recipients during the 1830s-1840s, a brief newspaper article, and one black-and-white portrait. Two letters date from 1843, O’Connell’s hoped-for “year of repeal,” and relay information about that movement.
Doe Family Letters
A group of 13 manuscript letters, mostly written by Charles C. Doe to his parents. The letters, for the most part, describe a trip from New Hampshire to Janesville, Wisconsin.
Dr. George Marshall Oakden Collection
The manuscript diaries of Surgeon Lieutenant George Marshall Oakden, who served in the British Navy from 1914 to 1919, and the letters of his brother, Arthur, who died in the Gallipoli Campaign in 1915.
Enoch P. Hill Letters
A group of 40 personal letters written in 1899-1901 by Illinois native Enoch P. Hill, mostly during his army service in Cuba, the U. S., and the Philippines. The letters are directed to Hill's future wife, Mary E. Chilton.
Ethel Mannin Letters
G. Julian Pratt Letters
Gene Tunney Papers
George F. Kennan-John Lukacs Correspondence
The manuscript correspondence of U.S. diplomat, State Department official, and historian George F. Kennan and Hungarian-born American historian John Lukacs, ranging from 1952 to 2004. The collection includes some 360 letters.