Box GNDL 13
Contains 108 Results:
Joint Engineering Council Officers- group portrait, 1968
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 50
Identifier: GNDL 13/50
Engineering Council- J. Stoffel, R. Droste, B. Higgin, circa 1968
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 50
Identifier: GNDL 13/50
circa 1968
Engineering Council- J. Hutchinson, M. Velan, 1968
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 50
Identifier: GNDL 13/50
Engineering Council- J. Loughren,, 1968
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 50
Identifier: GNDL 13/50
Notre Dame Film Society- Poster and Filming on campus, circa 1960s
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 51
Identifier: GNDL 13/51
circa 1960s
Notre Dame Glee Club on the exterior steps of Municipal Auditorium in San Antonio, Texas; photo by E. Raba, 1928/0107
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 52
Identifier: GNDL 13/52
Notre Dame Glee Club and Director Joseph Casasanta during filming of a Warner Brothers - Vitaphone short film, 1933
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 52
Identifier: GNDL 13/52
Notre Dame Glee Club in Country Western costumes during filming of a Warner Brothers - Vitaphone short film (#2928), circa 1933
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 52
Identifier: GNDL 13/52
circa 1933
Notre Dame Glee Club members fixing their tuxedos; photo by Ted Stransky [this photo was published in the 1966 Dome yearbook, page 70], 1965-1966
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 52
Identifier: GNDL 13/52
Notre Dame Glee Club members unloading a bus; photo by Robert W. Simpson [this photo was published in the 1966 Dome yearbook, page 70], 1965-1966
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 52
Identifier: GNDL 13/52
Notre Dame Glee Club members fixing their tuxedos in a gymnasium - Officers President Bob Harrigan, Vice President Tom Hughes, Business Manger Dan Curry, Publicity Manager Bill Lafleur, and Secreatry Bob Sevier; photo by Robert W. Simpson [this photo was published in the 1966 Dome yearbook, page 115; photo by Ted Stransky], 1965-1966
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 52
Identifier: GNDL 13/52
Notre Dame Glee Club rehearsal with Director Daniel Pedtke at the piano, circa 1960s
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 53
Identifier: GNDL 13/53
circa 1960s
A Notre Dame Glee Club member sitting alone in an auditorium, circa 1960s
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 53
Identifier: GNDL 13/53
circa 1960s
Notre Dame Glee Club Junior and Senior Members - J. Groves, J. Dec, D. Hickey, L. Schad, D. Pierman, Business Manager J. Amer, Secretary S. Hellrung, J. Kennedy; G. Strick, W. Philips, N. Bozen, B. Heineman, President J. Carey, J. Monaco, T. Settler; Vice President S. Alhgren, Publicity Manager P. Castellan, J. Mars, D. Jacobson, Treasurer T. Macleod, D. Mayrose, J. Mulshine, and T. DeChant [this photo was published in the 1968 Dome yearbook, page 133], 1967-1968
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 53
Identifier: GNDL 13/53
Notre Dame Glee Club Junior and Senior Members - J. Dec, B. Prendergast, A. Hernandez, M. Jerry, J. D'Aurora; D. Hickey, D. Bachtel, J. Groves, W. Groetken, J. Mars, A. Macleod, J. Beckman, P. Maich, T. Young, D. Jacobson, D. Saunders, J. Meehan, J. Staudenheimer, S. Hellrung, W. Hodrick, M. Duffey, A. McDonald, A. Lareau, J. Doherty; photo by Steve Griffin [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 164], 1968-1969
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 53
Identifier: GNDL 13/53
Memorial [Hesburgh] Library Dedication? - Director Daniel Pedtke conducting the Notre Dame Glee Club outside with the Math Building (Information Technology Center) in the background, 1964/0507?
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 54
Identifier: GNDL 13/54
Notre Dame Glee Club Director Daniel Pedtke with Glee Club members on a television set, circa 1960s
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 54
Identifier: GNDL 13/54
circa 1960s
Notre Dame Glee Club performing at a pavilion at Disney World or Disneyland, circa 1960s
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 54
Identifier: GNDL 13/54
circa 1960s
Notre Dame Glee Club Christmas Concert; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier [2 photos], circa 1970s-1980s
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 54
Identifier: GNDL 13/54
circa 1970s-1980s
Student Running Wooded Trail around Lake, circa 1970s
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 03
Identifier: GNDL 13/03
Students on South Quad in front of Hurley, circa 1960s
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 03
Identifier: GNDL 13/03
Students on Main Quad in front of Administration Main Building, 1960s
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 04
Identifier: GNDL 13/04
Students reading the Observer, 1970s
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 05
Identifier: GNDL 13/05
Senior Profile for Dome- Ken Ryan, Dick Farrier, 1972
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 06-07
Identifier: GNDL 13/06-07
Senior Profile for Dome- John Banks-Brooks, 1972
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 06-07
Identifier: GNDL 13/06-07
Senior Profile for Dome- Ray Cornell, John Barkett, 1972
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 06-07
Identifier: GNDL 13/06-07
Senior Profile for Dome- Tom McGowan, 1972
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 06-07
Identifier: GNDL 13/06-07
Post Office- Mail Truck on campus, 1970s
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 08
Identifier: GNDL 13/08
Students moving into Dorms- Trunks and Luggage, 1970s
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 09
Identifier: GNDL 13/09
Student riding Bicycle on campus, 1970s
Item — Box: GNDL 13, Folder: 10
Identifier: GNDL 13/10